A Multidisciplinary Project

Studying the production of innovative RadioIsotopes through ISOL technique for medical applications.

Latest news from ISOLPHARM

ISOLPHARM 2023 annual meeting

The ISOLPHARM project 2023 annual meeting was held at the Legnaro National Laboratories of INFN on December 21st. The four Work Packages of ADMIRAL experiment presented their progress according to[…]

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A new publication for the ISOLPHARM chemistry community

The ISOLPHARM chemistry group obtained a new publication entitled “Chromatographic separation of silver-111 from neutron-irradiated palladium target: toward direct labeling of radiotracers” in the journal EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry.Congratulations to[…]

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Four ISOLPHARM master students graduated

Four master students of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova graduated in September with theses projects developed within the ISOLPHARM project. Nicola Zancopè analyzed and[…]

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A Large Collaboration Between Universities and Research Centers

The ISOLPHARM Project was born from the collaboration between the Departments of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological, Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova and the Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) where the Selective Production of Exotic Specie (SPES) project in under development. By means, of Isotope Separation On-Line technique both traditional and innovative radioisotopes will be produced with high-specific activity, going beyond the state-of-art of the radioisotope production.

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Strengths and key features

The key features of ISOLPHARM are: a) the presence of a strong local collaboration between INFN-LNL, INFN-PD, INFN-PV, TIFPA, UNIPD and UNIBS in many fields of research, ranging from the production of the RIBs to the employment of the radionuclides. b) the ISOL technique, which can easily provide high specific activity radionuclides. c) the INFN patent, which proves the innovation and excellence of the project. d) the low environmental and social impact, since nuclear reactors are not used for the provision of the radionuclides, which traditionally may be obtained irradiating massive amount of materials, that lately become tons of nuclear wastes.



Production of a large set of radionuclides carrier-free and with large radionuclide purity


Many unconventional radioisotopes (short T 1/2) difficult to produce with traditional techniques


On-line mass selection by tuning the separator; easy production of different radionuclides 


Low production of radioative waste material

2023-2025 Project


The future for radiopharmaceutical production at ISOLPHARM