ISOLPHARM laser group at ICFDT6

ISOLPHARM laser group at ICFDT6

The SPES-ISOLPHARM laser group took part to the 6th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies (ICFDT6), organized by ENEA and INFN in Frascati (Italy) from 19th to 21st October 2022. ICFDT6 was an interdisciplinary conference, hosting scientists and engineers involved in high energy and accelerator physics and technology, nuclear fusion plasmas, space and astrophysics research, medical applications, lasers physics and technology.

O.S. Khwairakpam from the Siena University presented a poster, entitled “Laser Photo-Ionization of natAg in the SPES offline laser lab, INFN-LNL”, showing the latest results of photo-ionization with resonant laser in a silver Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL) in the INFN-LNL offline laser lab. This work is of great relevance for the ISOLPHARM_EIRA experiment, since photo-ionization is one of the most selective processes under study for the production of highly pure carrier-free Ag-111 for medical use.

Hollow cathode lamp.

The results of this research will be published by the Journal of Instrumentation as a conference proceeding, while the presented poster is available in the Documents section.